Many people are now considering testing out personal training sessions, even if that wasn’t really something they thought about pre-pandemic, especially if they belonged to gyms or studios. One reason? Personal training sessions can be costly. While the fee varies widely depending on whether your trainer is working for themselves or through a gym or studio, as well as with location—ranging from $40 an hour in smaller, rural areas to upwards of $150 an hour in large cities, according to the National Academy of Sports Medicine—regular sessions can add up. But with gyms and studio memberships on pause, some people may be able to use those savings to put toward a personal trainer.
But real talk: Working with a personal trainer through the screen is undoubtedly different than having them right beside you. Different, however, does not mean worse. In fact, there are tons of benefits to working with a virtual personal trainer—especially if you learn some tips and tricks to really make it work for you.
To help you get the most out of your virtual personal training sessions, we tapped two certified trainers, who recently pivoted their businesses entirely online during the pandemic, to share their tips.
More and more trainers look to social media (hello, Instagram live workouts) and training apps to gain new clients, but it’s important to recognize that anyone can put a workout out there—regardless of how qualified they may or may not be. Judging a trainer’s skill set and experience based on their Instagram followers and videos isn’t exactly the best way to gauge how well (or safely) they’ll actually train you, Sivan Fagan, C.P.T., founder of Strong With Sivan, tells SELF.
In the same way, if you’re looking to improve your kettlebell snatches, you should find a trainer who’s certified in kettlebells through an organization like DV8, in addition to being a certified personal trainer, to help you sharpen your skills. Or if you’ve been wanting to take your love of Pilates to the next level, make sure to choose a Pilates trainer with a proven certification for and track record of coaching clients on the mat and the reformer (such as through Core Pilates).
You may even want to take it a step further. Ask personal trainers that you’re considering whether they’re continuing their education through online workshops and seminars, as well as where they interned, says Fagan. (This is not a requirement for certification, but it can help a trainer gain more hands-on experience, especially with special populations.) You can also ask if they have client testimonials.
In addition, it’s important to find a trainer who has worked with multiple clients in real life versus virtual-only training, Peel says. By having experience training people in person, they’ll know what to look for when the session moves onscreen.
2. Establish a rapport with your trainer.
Building rapport is key, whether it’s during an in-person session or a virtual one. Although it is easier to build a rapport with a trainer in person, it’s important to have a strong connection virtually—you will, after all, be training together on days you don’t really feel like it, or times when your motivation is shot.
Peel suggests setting up a virtual consultation with a prospective trainer to help you get to know how they operate. For some people, having a Zoom consultation versus one via phone makes it easier to break the ice and have a friendly conversation.
“I always set up a meet-and-greet with potential clients. I set aside at least 30 minutes to go over as much as I can, from why they are looking to train to what motivates them,” says Peel. “You want to make sure the trainer gets to know you well in order to best help you, so give them as much information as you can and make sure that they are listening and taking notes.”
Prije nego što se sretnete i pozdravite, stvorite popis svojih osobnih ciljeva - bilo da se brže trče , doći do savršenog skleka ili izgraditi izdržljivost - i budite spremni objasniti svoje razloge i motivaciju koja stoji iza tih ciljeva. Također je važno navesti načine na koje ste do sada ostali aktivni, s kojim se osobnim preprekama suočavate i stvarima koje vam omogućuju napredovanje. Uz to, trebali biste podijeliti sve prošle i trenutne ozljede , lijekove koje uzimate i zdravstvena stanja. Pomaže i razgovor o stvarima izvan treninga koje ste spremni podijeliti, kaže Peel, pa ćete se moći povezati na osobnijoj razini. "Želim znati o životu svojih klijenata, njihovoj djeci, kako se zove njihov pas."
Ako vaše savjetovanje ne prođe glatko, to može biti znak da vam ovaj trener ne odgovara, kaže Peel. "Zapamti, želiš da i ta osoba bude netko tko ti se sviđa."
3. Budite fleksibilni sa svojim fitnes ciljevima.
"Ciljevi su ciljevi u bilo kojim okolnostima i njihovo postavljanje gotovo ne bi trebalo biti drugačije", kaže Peel. “Uvijek tražim od klijenata da zapišu ciljeve i osiguraju da su mjerljivi. Kao trener, tu sam da im pomognem da postignu svoje ciljeve, bili oni veliki ili mali, ali tu sam i kako bih dao realna očekivanja i odgovarajući vremenski raspored i plan djelovanja. "
But “realistic” also applies to what is practical in the lens of at-home workouts, when equipment for many of us tends to be limited. For instance, maybe your be-all, end-all goal is deadlifting your bodyweight. If you only have a few pairs of lighter dumbbells at home, you may not be able to achieve that in the short-term.
What you can do, though, is achieve mini-steps on the way to that, like maintaining strength in your hamstrings and glutes, and working on power that’ll help you get to that goal. Kettlebell work, for example, translates very well to the barbell, so you can use a kettlebell in the interim to help you successfully gain overall strength, Peel says. In particular, kettlebell swings and snatches are great for building hip-dominant strength, which translates into stronger deadlifts.
The virtual setting might not feel like it’s conducive to creating new fitness goals, but working with a good trainer makes it easy, approachable, and trackable—even if you’re not physically checking in with your trainer once a week to report on it. For example, Peel uses the True Coach personal training app with all of her one-on-one clients to help them track their progress and provide feedback.
4. Look at your progress in a different way.
Once you set goals with your trainer, be sure to communicate any and all equipment you have at home so they can design a workout program with this in mind. If you have the financial means (and they’re available), you may want to consider investing in two to three sets of dumbbells (with weight that feels light, moderate, and heavy for you), a set of resistance bands, and a suspension trainer, such as TRX, says Fagan. Communicating your goals with your trainer can help you determine which equipment is important for you.
Even if you have some dumbbells and bands, chances are pretty high that your equipment won’t be as robust as what you’re used to at a gym. That’s where flexibility comes in, especially if you’ve always tracked progress by going up in weights or adding another plate to the bar. You want a trainer who will find ways for you to keep getting stronger even without tons of equipment at your disposal.
“As long as your trainer is getting creative with the basic movement patterns—squat, hinge, push, and pull—you’re going to see real progress,” Fagan says.
Fagan assures online clients that you actually don’t need a ton of fitness equipment to get stronger. “You can use your own bodyweight as resistance,” she says. “I have clients who own only a pair of two-pound dumbbells and maybe one or two resistance bands that have made tons of progress because there are so many variables you can change in your program.”
Neki načini na koje vaš trener može učiniti vaše treninge izazovnijim bez nužnog dodavanja težine uključuju super setove , u kojima izvodite dva pokreta unatrag, dizajnirajući EMOM-ove (svake minute u minuti) i AMRAP-ove (što više ponavljanja / rundi) ), stvaranje tempa (usporavanje ekscentrične faze - faza snižavanja - vježbe) i povećanje glasnoće ponavljanja i setova koje izvodite.
Peel svojim klijentima nudi i različite varijacije vježbi, tako da im nikad ne dosadi njihov trening ili se osjećaju manje izazovnima težinom koju imaju. Na primjer, prilikom čišćenja kettlebellom, ona će dodati rotaciju. Ili ako već neko vrijeme radite zamahe u kettlebellu s dvije ruke, pretvorit će ih u zamahe jednom rukom ili bočnim korakom.
5. Postavite svoj prostor za uspjeh.
Stvoriti prostor za treninge kod kuće može biti izazov , pogotovo ako živite u malom stanu ili imate ograničenu sobu. Ali ako odvojite vrijeme za reorganizaciju svog područja tako da možete posvetiti posebno mjesto za virtualne sesije, može se napraviti velika razlika u vašem treningu i vrsti povratnih informacija koje vaš trener može pružiti.
“You want both arms’ length of space all around you so you should be able to extend your arms out to the sides and circle them around you without hitting anything,” Peel says. “You also want to have enough space for you to be able to lie flat on your back on a mat or the floor and reach your arms overhead.”
You’ll likely use Zoom for your virtual training sessions if your trainer doesn’t use a specific training app, so make sure you have ample room to maneuver the camera at different angles without obstructing your trainer’s view.
Fagan says she prefers her clients to be in front of a white wall, eliminating things in the background that’ll detract from them. Moreover, you want to position your computer camera in a way that allows your coach to see you from your head to your arms, fingers, and toes as you stand or lie down on the floor. Adding a webcam to your laptop can help with this because it will give your trainer a bird’s eye view, Peel says.
“It’s great if you have a tripod so you can hook up your smartphone or tablet and easily move it around,” Fagan says.
But if you don’t have any of these things, “be prepared to give your coach multiple views by alternating turning to the side and facing straight on during movements,” Peel says. “Remember that when training in person, coaches will walk around to check your form, but since that isn’t an option virtually, it’s important to work at different angles.”
The on-camera aspect can feel strange at first, especially if you have body concerns or a history of disordered eating. If you feel like this could be triggering to you, it’s helpful to bring up your concerns with your trainer before you start working out together (though this can be really hard). Working with an inclusive, body-positive trainer who uses language that’s respectful to all bodies is important here, and is something you can ask about if you’re able to speak with their past or current clients. (You may also be able to get a feel for this with the language they use on their social media pages.)
6. Find a community through small virtual workout classes.
Sure, training at home can feel isolating, but connecting with others can make you feel more comfortable and more motivated to kick things up a notch—and remind you more of in-person training sessions or classes, if that was your thing pre-pandemic. Not to mention, virtual group classes also tend to be slightly cheaper than in-person ones. Some trainers also offer class packages to help you save.
Peel, who taught group fitness classes at Fhitting Room in New York City and Work It Out in Hoboken, New Jersey, before the pandemic, reached out to personal training clients and students from her classes about training virtually when gyms and studios shut down indefinitely. She developed five small group kettlebell and dumbbell virtual classes, where they could come together and do a workout.
“Coaching small groups through Zoom has been a great way to build community,” Peel says. It allows her clients to reap the team-building aspect of fitness while challenging their own skills and strength, week after week.
So if Instagram live workouts aren’t your thing, you can still get the social vibes of working out with a personal trainer who also hosts small group classes. “Meeting” other people who have similar goals can also help you stay regular with your workouts, inspired to hit PRs, or even motivated to try something new.